Saturday 11 October 2014

Swimming for fitness

It is possible to learn to swim at any age and once you learn you will never forget. It can help to save your life and other lives too.

It doesn’t matter what age you are or how good you are, swimming is a fantastic way to keep yourself fit and healthy. It really is a wonderful universal exercise. It can lessen the risk of developing many health issues such as diabetes, strokes and heart disease. It is also a top exercise for losing weight and it also makes you feel happy.

Many pools take lessons for a wide range of ages and abilities but if you have an existing health concern, it is advisable to go to visit your doctor before you take to the water.

Swimming is an effective, enjoyable and safe exercise to perform. Lessons that focus on the beginner are designed to make you feel confident so don’t worry if you think you will start to panic or be afraid.

You don’t need much to get started. The minimum requirement is a properly fitting, comfortable swimming costume. 

Other accessories that you could use are a pair of swimming goggles to keep the water from your eyes so that you can see properly and avoid the irritation of chlorine. Sometimes a swimming cap is also a requirement in some pools. This will also keep your hair dry and out of your face.

Swimming Goggles
Buy swim goggles

If you are apprehensive about going for a lesson, you can always speak to the teacher to put your mind at rest and maybe watch a few lessons. 

It doesn’t take much exercising to make a big difference to your overall health. It will only take one or two visits to the pool every week of light to moderate intensity exercise to help. 

It is important to keep the routine going though. Try to keep to a regular time whenever you can fit it in so that it will become part of your weekly schedule. You could write the times to go in your diary or possibly get an annual membership. You save money that way too.

To keep it interesting and also to keep you motivated, there are several things that you could do. 

First of all you could go along with your children because it is a great fun family activity to do together. Not only do you have fun but they will learn to love the water at the same time.

Secondly, you might want to take a friend with you. If you are at the same level of swimming, you can encourage each other and keep each other motivated because you don’t want to let your friend down. 

Thirdly, take up some sort of aqua fit class. Swimming can lead you into many other pool activities where you can interact with other swimmers and it helps you to keep fit at the same time.

Fourthly, why not join a swimming club? It is a great way to make new friends and making a commitment will encourage and motivate you to reach new goals.